Image of Rajat Patel

Machine Learning Engineer
Chime Financial Inc.

Arlington, VA

I am a Machine Learning Engineer at Chime Financial Inc., where I work on the problems at the integration of risk and fraud detection and building out the ML Platform.

Prior to joining Chime, I was a Machine Learning Engineer at Interos Inc. where I worked with Information Extraction team building machine learning models to extract information from unstructured data sources. My work focused specifically on building scalable NLP based models to solve problems like entity linking, entity extraction, and event detection. I also worked on a computer vision problem for building a scalable search engine with an active learning component.

Prior to joining industry, I was a graduate student at University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) , where I was advised by Dr.Francis Ferraro. My research was focused on building multi-task learning models to enhance knowledge in downstream applications by training them jointly with information extraction tasks like knowledge graph embedding and fine-grain entity types.

During my time at UMBC, I also worked under Dr. Shiming Yang at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine (UMed) on exploring deep learning techniques to detect massive transfusion in trauma patients by studying their photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal My work at UMed specifically involved signal processing, representation learning and dimensionality reductions for processing PPG signals to study the underlying pattern through deep learning.



  • M.S. Computer Science, 2020
    University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, 2014
    Shivaji University, India

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